
Monday, June 25, 2012

How to Detox safely at Home

Proper digestion and absorption of food and water are essential to maintain good health. Weak digestion takes longer to process the food and accumulates toxins in the body.
Manu Kalia How to Detox safely at Home

Improper elimination of toxins from the body can lead to various health problems.  Again mixing of foods which are incompatible, insufficient water intake, a diet low in fiber, excessive meat consumption and lack of exercise can lead to constipation and other digestive problems.  It is therefore, important to maintain a healthy digestion.

Here are some simple and natural ways which Ayurveda provides to improve our digestion, have proper elimination, detox our body and is one of the best ways to lose weight.

Triphala (combination of three fruits - Amalaki, Bhibitaki and Haritaki) is probably one of the best Ayurvedic herbal formulas for detox, rejuvenation and constipation.  Triphala is a rejuvenative for the whole body.  It balances the whole body. 

Psyllium husk can also be used with 1 cup of warm water before bedtime to help with constipation and removal of waste products from the GI system. 

Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Yoga exercises help improve circulation, remove waste from tissues, stimulate internal organs and improve mental clarity.  Specific Yoga poses that help improve the health of the digestive system and promote proper elimination -  spinal twists, boat, bow, cow, bridge, peacock, locust, forward bend and camel pose.

Meditation can help calm the body and mind and relieve stress. Stress management is very important for proper functioning of the digestive system and the whole body.

Drinking 2-3 cups of warm water first thing in the morning helps to flush the kidneys, removes toxins and promotes proper bowel movement.  It also hydrates the body and after a whole nightemet’s sleep.  It is also recommended in eastern medicine to drink warm water during the day to improve digestion and metabolism. 

One should promote better habits by sitting on the toilet upon wakening.  This helps to train the nervous system and gastro-intestinal system to have a regular bowel movement first thing in the morning. 

Squatting can be very helpful to help promote proper bowel movement by opening the pelvic diaphram.  The pressure from the thighs on the stomach also helps evacuation. 

Try to eat foods in season and locally grown.  Avoid processed, heavy, fried, oil, frozen, pre-packaged and canned foods.  Try to eat fresh food cooked daily. 

Favor warm, moist and fiber rich diet (especially well cooked vegetables).  Eating an apple after a meal, ripe bananas and prunes can also help with elimination.