Ayurveda treats injuries to joints, tendons, muscles, nerves, ligaments, etc., holistically, taking into account the whole physiology, psychology and physical presentation of the person facing the problem.
The main focus is to open blockages in micro channels of the injured tissues, to remove metabolic waste products from the body, to improve nutrition to the injured tissue for proper uptake and assimilation of nutrients by improving the digestive capacity of the whole system.
Opening up of channels facilitates flow of energy according to Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. Removal of blockages also allows for proper circulation providing nutrition and removal of waste products. With right movement of Prana and circulation the tissue is given an optimal environment to recover.
Some simple holistic treatments for pain relief and recovery after injury:
- For achy joints or general aches and pain regular massage with herbal oils can be very effective since it improves circulation, provides nutrition to the joint, and can relieve pain.
- Using a natural anti inflammatory like Turmeric, Ginger, Pineapple (Bromelain).
- For overall joint health herbal formulas like Yogaraj Guggulu, Ashwagandha, Omega 3 fatty acids, Glucosamine, etc. can be very helpful.
- Improving the overall health of the system by detoxing the body can also help speed the recovery
process. - Mediation can work as a pain reliever by calming the nervous system and decreasing the irritability of the system.
The goal of the treatment is to restore balance by bringing the body back to its
normal balanced state. This is accomplished by proper diet, right lifestyle, Marma or Acupressure massage with herbal oils, cuse of herbal poultices, herbal steam treatments, use of herbal formulas and by detox and rejuvenation treatments.