In this video I am going to share with you how to lose weight, detox and improve your digestion with ginger. It is a common herb used in many Ayurvedic formulas to improve digestion, cleanse toxins from the body, help reduce fever, as a potent pain reliever. It helps enkindle digestive fire resulting in improved metabolism and fat burning. The other benefit of ginger is that it helps to detox the body. So a small piece of ginger sliced with a pinch of salt and few drops of lemon taken about 20-30 minutes before meals really helps improve your digestion — at least as per the ayurvedic medicine paradigm. This is also important if you are recovering from injuries like runners knee pain, iliotibial band pain, low back pain, patellar tendonitis, neck pain, Knee arthritis, bilateral knee pain, etc.
In Ayurveda it’s definitely recommended to have a piece of ginger before the meals, especially if you are trying to improve your digestion, improve your metabolism whether for weight loss or just for overall health. You can also take ginger by making fresh ginger tea. So about an inch long piece of ginger boiled in water and having that tea after your meals will help you digest that food and also detox the body. Just keep in mind that dry ginger tends to be more heating while fresh ginger is not as heating. So if you have heartburn or ulcer or those types of issues, better to stick with the fresh form of ginger, and use it in moderation. I have brought a piece of ginger with me just to show you guys. This is a fresh ginger root, which you can get from most grocery stores. I think it is very effective not only for improving your digestion and metabolism, detoxifying the body but also for weight loss.
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