
Monday, April 29, 2013

How to do a warm up before running a race?

This is one my prehab, warmup, get the blood flowing, Chi moving and pre exercise movement series. It is designed to get your body and mind ready for exercise and athletic activities. It's a great to open up the hips, good for flexibility of the legs, feet and spine. Specially helpful for preventing knee injuries like runner's knee, Iliotibial band problems, patellar tendonitis issues and Also good for coordination, motor control and general warm up. Remember not to force the movement, move in a comfortable range. Focus on relaxing and breathing naturally. For balance and support hold a chair or step stool in front of you.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stretch your hip flexors for runner knee pain

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

For most of us who sit for long hours in our modern lifestyle, hip tightness can be a major problem. This often leads lots of other problems like low back pain, runners knee pain, sacroiliac joint pain, iliotibial band pain, hip pain and can basically affect structures above and below the hip joint. The anterior or front hip tissues often become very tight. Very important to stretch the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles and anterior hip capsule/ligament to free up the hip. This 1/2 kneeling position is a good one to stretch and open up the front of the hip.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to cure patellar tendonitis?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

This is cross friction massage technique specifically for patellar tendonitis, patellar tendinosis, Chondromalacia patella, patello-femoral problems and post surgical or post injury knee pain. This knee pain treatment technique is helpful for reducing thickening, adhesions, myofascial restictions or scarring at the patellar tendon and along the border of the patella or knee cap. I have used this knee pain treatment technique with great success for a lot of my patients.

1. Massage perpendicular to the patellar tendon and along the inferior or lower border of the knee cap.

2. Pump Massage for patellar tendonitis, often also referred as Jumper's knee - tack and stretch to the patellar tendon to improve circulation, remove adhesions and soft tissue restrictions.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Burn fat and boost metabolism the natural way

In this video I am going to share with you some simple tips I teach my patients who are trying to improve their digestion and increase their metabolism to burn fat. These principles may seem simple, but are very powerful for optimal health and fitness. Whether you are trying to lose weight for improving your health or when recovering from injuries like runner knee, patellar tendonitis, low back pain, Iliotibial band pain, pain in knee joint and knee arthritis.

As I have said in a lot of my other videos and articles, the ability to digest food properly is the most important factor in getting proper nutrition from your food, to burn toxins and to burn fat for optimal health.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Is ginger good for weight loss?

In this video I am going to share with you how to lose weight, detox and improve your digestion with ginger.  It is a common herb used in many Ayurvedic formulas to improve digestion, cleanse toxins from the body, help reduce fever, as a potent pain reliever. It helps enkindle digestive fire resulting in improved metabolism and fat burning.  The other benefit of ginger is that it helps to detox the body.  So a small piece of ginger sliced with a pinch of salt and few drops of lemon taken about 20-30 minutes before meals really helps improve your digestion — at least as per the ayurvedic medicine paradigm.  This is also important if you are recovering from injuries like runners knee pain, iliotibial band pain, low back pain, patellar tendonitis, neck pain, Knee arthritis, bilateral knee pain, etc.

In Ayurveda it’s definitely recommended to have a piece of ginger before the meals, especially if you are trying to improve your digestion, improve your metabolism whether for weight loss or just for overall health.  You can also take ginger by making fresh ginger tea.  So about an inch long piece of ginger boiled in water and having that tea after your meals will help you digest that food and also detox the body.  Just keep in mind that dry ginger tends to be more heating while fresh ginger is not as heating.  So if you have heartburn or ulcer or those types of issues, better to stick with the fresh form of ginger, and use it in moderation.  I have brought a piece of ginger with me just to show you guys.  This is a fresh ginger root, which you can get from most grocery stores.  I think it is very effective not only for improving your digestion and metabolism, detoxifying the body but also for weight loss.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Treat your hip and ankle to beat your knee pain

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

A lot of knee problems can be treated effectively by addressing hip and ankle flexibility. Knee pain might be the symptom, but the underlying problem could be a stiff ankle or hip. As I always say always treat above and below the affected area. Often people spend time treating the painful knee but neglect the other structures in the chain that are causing the problem. Remember the whole system works together and thus you have to address every piece of the chain.

Stiff ankle or hip can cause poor mechanics up or down the chain and putting excessive stress on other joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Especially for optimal effortless walking, running, squatting, etc., you need balanced flexibility, strength and motor control along the whole chain. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for injuries, excessive wear and tear and poor performance.

Stretch for Iliotibial band pain

It’s a great self acupressure technique too. You can use one or two balls to improve the flexibility of the local muscles, tendons and fascia.

In this video I am going to show you a stretch and mobilization for Ilio Tibial Band Pain. This can often get irritated and painful in runners and other athletes. Poor foot, knee and hip mechanics can contribute to IT Band problems and outside knee pain.

This technique is helpful for improving the flexibility of the IT Band and it can also help breakdown adhesions or thickening of the band due to injury or mechanical problems.

Friday, April 5, 2013

How To Improve Ankle Flexibility?

In this video I am going to show you a stretch and mobilization for improving ankle flexibility. Ankle range can get impaired following ankle sprains or other injuries.

This technique is helpful for improving the flexibility of the ankle joint, calf muscles and achilles tendon.

It is a dynamic mobilization with movement technique which is very effective for improving the flexibility of the ankle joint.

Important to have adequate ankle mobility for running, squatting, stairs, etc.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How To Do A Shoulder Stretch With An Exercise Ball?

Hi everyone, I see lots of patients with shoulder problems, ranging from rotator cuff injury or tears, to shoulder impingement, to adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) and after various shoulder surgeries. From the physical therapy perspective one of the most important things for shoulder rehab is proper sequencing for shoulder stretching and strengthening exercises.  In this video I am going to show you a great shoulder stretching exercise for improving shoulder range of motion for reaching overhead.

How To Squat Properly With Knee Pain?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

In this video I am going to show you how to do a proper squat using if you have knee pain. This technique can be used to prevent stress on your knees and limit the loading.  The emphasis is on hinging or flexing at the hip and limiting the bending at the knee. Also allows you to keep the back straight.  The squatting method can be used for all sorts of different knee problems ranging from knee arthritis, runners knee pain, patellofemoral pain, patellar tendonitis and for other knee injuries.