
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to do hip flexor stretch?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

This is an advanced stretch technique for knee joint pain, front hip joint and quadriceps muscle. Opens up the front hip joint, and one of the best stretches for thigh. Kneeling in this position might not be comfortable for runners with knee injury. Use the standing or Thomas test stretch position for iliopsoas muscles. These muscles tend to be very tight in a lot of people from excessive sitting and lack of regular stretching. Hip flexor strain or injury can often cause micro tears and scarring leading to adhesions, thickening and pain.

Monday, July 15, 2013

How to test for ankle flexibility?

This is a quick test to see if you are missing flexible ankles. You need at least 10 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion for walking properly. For squatting, running and other athletic activities you need more range of motion for optimal sports performance and injury free motion. Ankle exercises are important for injury prevention and essential for running. A lot of athletes and runners are missing adequate ankle flexibility which often results in compensatory changes up the chain with high risk of injury.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Stretching hamstrings for running without pain

Hamstrings are group of three muscles which help bend the knee and extend the hip. Hamstring tightness is very common and can cause lower back pain running, low back pain, knee pain, running injuries and impair performance. Here’s a cool and effective hamstring stretch exercise using Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation or PNF technique. This is a physical therapy technique which uses the anatomy and physiology of the neuromuscular system to effectively stretch the muscles. Hamstring stretch is a contract relax technique is used here to inhibit the hamstrings so they can be stretched more effectively. 10 secs of the contract phase and 30 seconds of the stretch phase for 2-3 minutes.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to treat it band pain?

This is a modified pigeon pose used in Yoga to open up the hips. It stretches the pyriformis, hip joint, glutes, etc. This stretch is a must for runners with it band pain, iliotibial band syndrome, patellofemoral problems and hip pain running other running related knee injuries. Not only is this exercise effective it can be done by anyone using a chair or table. Athletes and runners should make this stretch a regular part of their flexibility routine.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How to stretch knee after common running injuries?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

How to do a knee bending stretch safely after after knee injuries or knee pain. Great knee flexibility exercise specially for how to stretch your knee and acute knee injury or arthritis. If you have knee stiffness due to swelling, arthritis or guarding after an injury…you want to do a non-weight bearing stretch to improve knee flexibility. This exercise also improves circulation and lubrication of to the knee joint without putting pressure on the joint unlike other weight bearing stretches like squatting, etc.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to improve hamstring flexibility?

Stretch out those hamstrings so you can move easier and reduces chances of running injury. In the modern world most people sit for long hours resulting in a tight hamstring which restricts proper movement. Hamstrings are group of three muscles that sit on the back of the thigh. They cross two joints, the hip and the knee…and their function is to bend the knee and extend the hip. Tight hamstring can increase risk of injury and impairs optimal performance for athletes.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to stretch iliopsoas?

Use your couch for opening up the front hip and leg muscles. This is an advanced stretch technique which targets hip flexors, quadriceps and anterior tibialis muscles. Great stretch for runners and athletes or anyone looking to open up the hip from too much sitting and biking.  It's also used for treating anterior hip pain after injury or from repetitive strain and poor mechanics.

Monday, June 3, 2013

How to improve hip flexor flexibility for pain relief?

Here’s an advanced technique for stretching the hip flexors and front hip joint. Using a resistance band to apply an anterior glide to the upper thigh bone adds a super stretch to the the hip flexors and the front hip capsule. Great technique for runners and athletes who are looking to really open up the front hip/hip flexor muscles or prevent running injury. This advanced stretch is also helpful for hip flexor pain specially after the acute symptoms have subsided and you need a stronger stretching technique.

Friday, May 31, 2013

How to stretch for piriformis pain?

In this video is on hip stretch for piriformis and hip joint flexibility. It is a safe and effective hip stretch to improve the flexibility of the hip and surrounding hip muscles. This hip stretch an help relieve low back pain, sciatica, running injuries, patellar tendonitis, ITB syndrome, and some hip pain issues. This is also a great stretch to improve flexibility of the IT band and prevent running related injuries like runners knee. It's important to make this exercise part of you daily stretch routine.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to prevent running injuries with hip stretching?

Easy hip stretch to open up the hip joint and muscles. I am really emphasizing hip openers for anyone looking to improve their running performance and running after injury. This is a great stretch that stretches both hips in multiple planes and specially great for opening up the hip joint for better movement and preventing running injury. A must after you finish your run or other athletic activities. Most of us sit too much and over time tend to get stiffer and stiffer through the hips often leading to lots of problems like low back pain, knee pain, sacroiliac joint pain, hip pain, etc. You don’t need anything fancy, I am using a picnic bench and it works great.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to treat shoulder pain by strengthening back muscles?

In this video I will show you how to treat the shoulder pain injury and rehab the shoulder with shoulder strengthening exercises. I want to add another exercise in for the rowing exercise that we talked about for shoulder girdle strengthening. This is a great exercise for shoulder joint pain treatment and back shoulder pain prevention. I like this one because you are really kicking in your leg muscles also, your abdominals and your core muscles. This really makes it a dynamic exercise and it’s one of my favorites. I think it will really add on to the other exercises we talked about. This exercise helps strengthen the shoulder rotator cuff muscles, scapular muscles and treats shoulder pain injury.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to treat quadriceps tendonitis?

In this video I am going to show you a quadriceps muscle, quadriceps tendon stretch and mobilization for knee pain and tightness. This technique is helpful for improving the flexibility of the knee secondary to quadriceps tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, runners knee pain, running knee pain, tendinosis, following surgery or strain often due to sports injuries or trauma. It’s a great self acupressure technique too. You can use one or two balls to improve the flexibility of the muscles, tendons and fascia.

Treat quadriceps tendonitis as soon as possible!

How to stretch the upper back?

This is cool technique to do self acupressure and stretch the upper back or thoracic spine joints to get rid of neck and upper back pain. Anyone spending long hours on the computer, or with rounded posture and upper back stiffness can benefit from this stretch. The wedge used for stretching is a Kaltenborn mobilization wedge and works really well for improving flexibility of the spine. Remember to make sure not to overdo it or put too much pressure on the spine. Stretch for about a minute at a spot and move to the next location. Don't use the wedge on the neck or the low back.

Have a try of this exercise if you wish to relieve neck pain successfully.

Monday, April 29, 2013

How to do a warm up before running a race?

This is one my prehab, warmup, get the blood flowing, Chi moving and pre exercise movement series. It is designed to get your body and mind ready for exercise and athletic activities. It's a great to open up the hips, good for flexibility of the legs, feet and spine. Specially helpful for preventing knee injuries like runner's knee, Iliotibial band problems, patellar tendonitis issues and Also good for coordination, motor control and general warm up. Remember not to force the movement, move in a comfortable range. Focus on relaxing and breathing naturally. For balance and support hold a chair or step stool in front of you.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stretch your hip flexors for runner knee pain

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

For most of us who sit for long hours in our modern lifestyle, hip tightness can be a major problem. This often leads lots of other problems like low back pain, runners knee pain, sacroiliac joint pain, iliotibial band pain, hip pain and can basically affect structures above and below the hip joint. The anterior or front hip tissues often become very tight. Very important to stretch the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles and anterior hip capsule/ligament to free up the hip. This 1/2 kneeling position is a good one to stretch and open up the front of the hip.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to cure patellar tendonitis?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

This is cross friction massage technique specifically for patellar tendonitis, patellar tendinosis, Chondromalacia patella, patello-femoral problems and post surgical or post injury knee pain. This knee pain treatment technique is helpful for reducing thickening, adhesions, myofascial restictions or scarring at the patellar tendon and along the border of the patella or knee cap. I have used this knee pain treatment technique with great success for a lot of my patients.

1. Massage perpendicular to the patellar tendon and along the inferior or lower border of the knee cap.

2. Pump Massage for patellar tendonitis, often also referred as Jumper's knee - tack and stretch to the patellar tendon to improve circulation, remove adhesions and soft tissue restrictions.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Burn fat and boost metabolism the natural way

In this video I am going to share with you some simple tips I teach my patients who are trying to improve their digestion and increase their metabolism to burn fat. These principles may seem simple, but are very powerful for optimal health and fitness. Whether you are trying to lose weight for improving your health or when recovering from injuries like runner knee, patellar tendonitis, low back pain, Iliotibial band pain, pain in knee joint and knee arthritis.

As I have said in a lot of my other videos and articles, the ability to digest food properly is the most important factor in getting proper nutrition from your food, to burn toxins and to burn fat for optimal health.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Is ginger good for weight loss?

In this video I am going to share with you how to lose weight, detox and improve your digestion with ginger.  It is a common herb used in many Ayurvedic formulas to improve digestion, cleanse toxins from the body, help reduce fever, as a potent pain reliever. It helps enkindle digestive fire resulting in improved metabolism and fat burning.  The other benefit of ginger is that it helps to detox the body.  So a small piece of ginger sliced with a pinch of salt and few drops of lemon taken about 20-30 minutes before meals really helps improve your digestion — at least as per the ayurvedic medicine paradigm.  This is also important if you are recovering from injuries like runners knee pain, iliotibial band pain, low back pain, patellar tendonitis, neck pain, Knee arthritis, bilateral knee pain, etc.

In Ayurveda it’s definitely recommended to have a piece of ginger before the meals, especially if you are trying to improve your digestion, improve your metabolism whether for weight loss or just for overall health.  You can also take ginger by making fresh ginger tea.  So about an inch long piece of ginger boiled in water and having that tea after your meals will help you digest that food and also detox the body.  Just keep in mind that dry ginger tends to be more heating while fresh ginger is not as heating.  So if you have heartburn or ulcer or those types of issues, better to stick with the fresh form of ginger, and use it in moderation.  I have brought a piece of ginger with me just to show you guys.  This is a fresh ginger root, which you can get from most grocery stores.  I think it is very effective not only for improving your digestion and metabolism, detoxifying the body but also for weight loss.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Treat your hip and ankle to beat your knee pain

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

A lot of knee problems can be treated effectively by addressing hip and ankle flexibility. Knee pain might be the symptom, but the underlying problem could be a stiff ankle or hip. As I always say always treat above and below the affected area. Often people spend time treating the painful knee but neglect the other structures in the chain that are causing the problem. Remember the whole system works together and thus you have to address every piece of the chain.

Stiff ankle or hip can cause poor mechanics up or down the chain and putting excessive stress on other joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Especially for optimal effortless walking, running, squatting, etc., you need balanced flexibility, strength and motor control along the whole chain. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for injuries, excessive wear and tear and poor performance.

Stretch for Iliotibial band pain

It’s a great self acupressure technique too. You can use one or two balls to improve the flexibility of the local muscles, tendons and fascia.

In this video I am going to show you a stretch and mobilization for Ilio Tibial Band Pain. This can often get irritated and painful in runners and other athletes. Poor foot, knee and hip mechanics can contribute to IT Band problems and outside knee pain.

This technique is helpful for improving the flexibility of the IT Band and it can also help breakdown adhesions or thickening of the band due to injury or mechanical problems.

Friday, April 5, 2013

How To Improve Ankle Flexibility?

In this video I am going to show you a stretch and mobilization for improving ankle flexibility. Ankle range can get impaired following ankle sprains or other injuries.

This technique is helpful for improving the flexibility of the ankle joint, calf muscles and achilles tendon.

It is a dynamic mobilization with movement technique which is very effective for improving the flexibility of the ankle joint.

Important to have adequate ankle mobility for running, squatting, stairs, etc.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How To Do A Shoulder Stretch With An Exercise Ball?

Hi everyone, I see lots of patients with shoulder problems, ranging from rotator cuff injury or tears, to shoulder impingement, to adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) and after various shoulder surgeries. From the physical therapy perspective one of the most important things for shoulder rehab is proper sequencing for shoulder stretching and strengthening exercises.  In this video I am going to show you a great shoulder stretching exercise for improving shoulder range of motion for reaching overhead.

How To Squat Properly With Knee Pain?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

In this video I am going to show you how to do a proper squat using if you have knee pain. This technique can be used to prevent stress on your knees and limit the loading.  The emphasis is on hinging or flexing at the hip and limiting the bending at the knee. Also allows you to keep the back straight.  The squatting method can be used for all sorts of different knee problems ranging from knee arthritis, runners knee pain, patellofemoral pain, patellar tendonitis and for other knee injuries.  

Monday, March 25, 2013

How to Improve Hip Flexibility?

In this video I am going to show you a dynamic hip stretch and mobilization in multiple planes. This is very effective to improve hip flexibility for sports and athletic events.  This stretch improves hip flexion, hip extension, hip internal rotation, hip external rotation, etc.  This is an important stretch for all sorts of knee injuries; runners knee injury, patellofemoral knee pain, per anserine bursitis, patellar tendonitis, knee arthritis, etc.

Quadriceps Tendonitis Massage Treatment For Knee Pain

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

In this video I am going to show you a massage technique for knee pain secondary to quadriceps tendonitis, tendinosis or quadriceps strain often due to sports injuries or trauma.  This is a cross friction and pump massage technique very effective for treating quadriceps tendonitis or above the knee cap pain.  This can be a common injury with runners, jumpers and anyone involved with high level athletic activities.  It is often part of Runners knee pain problems. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

How To Relieve Hip Pain With Exercises?

Hi everyone in this video I am going to show you a one of my favorite hip pain exercises and back pain exercises which strengthens the core muscles, scapular stabilizers, hip and hamstring muscles. This exercise is very effective for recovery after various hip, knee and low back problems and injuries.  Can be also very helpful for runners knee pain, patellar tendonitis, etc.  It is helpful for people suffering from low back pain, hip pain and knee pain.  This hip pain exercise technique is performed in a quadruped position which is a non-weight bearing position. This position reduces load on the joints and muscles. It is safe and specially helps strengthen the abdominals, low back muscles, shoulder girdle muscles, hamstrings, glutes and other hip muscles.Hope you enjoyed this video on non-weight bearing hip pain exercises and core strengthening exercises.

Running With Injuries

In this video I am going to discuss common injuries associated with running. Whether you are running to lose weight, improve fitness, or a running fanatic…running injuries are a very common problem. Some common running injuries I discuss in this video are patellar tendonitis, patello femoral syndrome, Iliotibial band pain, achilles tendonitis, heel pain, shin splints, hip and sacro iliac joint problems. A lot of runners deal with these injuries and they cost the health care system billions of dollars. Understanding these injuries is the first step in treating these effectively.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Runners Knee Pain Hip And Core Strengthening?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

Hi everyone in this video I am going to show you a high level exercise for strengthening the hip, core, leg and back muscles. This exercise is very effective for recovery after various ankle, knee and hip injuries. It is helpful for ankle sprains, ankle instability, runners knee pain, patellar tendonitis, patellar tendinosis, Chondromalacia patella, patello femoral pain, etc. This hip, leg and core strengthening exercise helps strengthen various muscles throughout the chain. Improving strength, coordination, balance and proprioception. This a high level exercise which requires strength and motor control to perform it correctly.

Monday, February 18, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Runners Knee Pain With Quadriceps Strengthening?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

Hi everyone in this video I am going to show you an exercise for strengthening the knee and hip muslces. This exercise is very effective for recovery after various knee problems and injuries. It is a higher level exercise which requires a lot of quadriceps, hip and calf strength to perform properly. This knee pain exercise technique specially helps strengthen the quadriceps, glutes and other hip muscles and ankle and foot muscles. It's also very effective for improving balance and coordination. It is a high level exercise important for treating runners knee pain, patellar tendinosis and other knee problems.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Runners Knee Pain With Bridging Exercise?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

Hi everyone in this video I am going to show you a great exercise for strengthening the hip, core, hamstrings and back muscles.  This exercise is very effective for recovery after various hip and knee injuries. It is also helpful for runners knee pain, patellar tendonitis, patellar tendinosis, Chondromalacia patella, patellofemoral pain and post surgical or post injury knee pain.  This hip and core strengthening exercise helps strengthen hamstrings, hip and core muscles.  Using a gym ball really makes this exercise more challenging, so you should make sure you are able to do the exercise without the ball first.

How To Get Rid Of Runners Knee Pain With Hip Strengthening?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

Hi everyone in this video I am going to show you a great exercise for strengthening the hip, core, hamstrings, quads and back muscles.  This exercise is very effective for recovery after various knee problems and injuries. It is helpful for runners knee pain, patellar tendonitis, patellar tendinosis, Chondromalacia patella, patellofemoral problems and post surgical or post injury knee pain.  This hip and core strengthening exercise specially helps strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes muscles, other hip muscles and core muscles.  Using a gym ball really makes this exercise more challenging, so you should make sure you are able to do the exercise without the ball first.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Running Knee Injury

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

In this video, I am going to go over how to strengthen the leg muscles when you have Patellofemoral pain. We are going to go over non-weight bearing strengthening techniques for the hip and core muscles.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is a very common problem especially in runners. Often referred to has Runner’s Knee Pain. This is a good strengthening exercise to improve leg strength without irritating the patellofemoral joint.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Holistic Treatment For Runners Knee Pain

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

In this video I am going to show you a natural therapy that’s been practiced for hundreds if not thousands of years throughout the world.

Cupping treatment is still used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating injuries, pain, improving circulation and removing toxins.

I have been using this treatment to treat patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. This is a common overuse knee injury that affects a lot of runners and is often called Runner’s knee pain.

This treatment has helped a lot of my patients suffering from patellofemoral pain.

Cupping is very effective for improving circulation, removing blockages, opening channels and facilitating the healing process. It also helps improve myofascial mobility.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What is Runner Knee Injury?

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

Runner’s knee injury is a very common repetitive strain injury that affects a large number of runners. It’s also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome. It is due to repetitive repetitive trauma and loading to the Patellofemoral joint. Also known as anterior knee pain, this knee injury affects not only runners but a lot of other athletes involved in jumping, running and explosive activities.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Exercises for patellofemoral pain syndrome

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

Running can place a lot of stress on the knees, strength training is important for reducing pain and restoring function. Strengthening the quadriceps muscles in a non weight bearing position can not only support the knee joint better but also help prevent future injuries. Quadriceps weakness can lead to more stress on the knee joint and result in higher chances of injury. In this video we will show non weight bearing quadriceps strengthening exercises for treating runners knee pain.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

What’s Runner’s Knee?

  • Knee pain when sitting with the knee bent
  • Running, squatting, jumping, or when using stairs causes knee pain
  • Giving out or buckling of the knee when walking, going up/dn stairs, running, etc.
  • Popping sounds or catching and grinding sensation when walking or with knee movement
  • Swelling, heat and inflammation around the knee cap
  • Soreness along front of the knee or around the kneecap

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How To Treat Inside Knee Pain

Click here to download free report “5 (easy) Exercises To Beat Knee Pain And Run Stronger.  (Hint: It’s Not The Ones You Think)”

Common reasons for inside knee pain with running

1. Leg length differences can cause more stress on one leg – it could be either leg that can have pain on inside knee.

2. Poor pelvic alignment: due to instability or muscle imbalances can also cause increased stress down the chain resulting in inner knee pain.

3. Scoliosis of the spine can cause poor alignment down the chain leading to increased stress along the spine, pelvis and down the leg.

4. Muscle imbalances: tight, weak or over stretched can cause alignment issues and pain.

So for treating pain on the inside of the knee always address problems above and below the joint too. In addition to treating the injured tissue it’s very important to treat the cause of the problem.

Unless you correct the underlying problem, running can continue to cause inside knee pain.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Improve Flexibility With Dynamic Stretching Exercises

I am going to show you how high level dynamic stretch exercises can improve flexibility of anterior hip joint, quadriceps, anterior tibialis, rib cage, lats and shoulder.